This Divine Light, known as Zohar, was first revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai as a secret oral tradition, during the giving of the Second Tablets.
This Light shone again in Jerusalem during the Second Temple era when the secret Zohar oral tradition was revealed by Rav Shimon bar Yohai to his holy companions.
“The secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’”
—LUKE 8:10
Jesus spoke in parable to the masses, but in private, he revealed the secret Zohar oral tradition to his chosen disciples. Those Zohar secrets were encoded into Christianity to protect and preserve this divine wisdom after the Destruction of the Temple.
The ancient Rabbis — and the Zohar itself — said these secrets would be revealed in the End of Days to trigger the arrival of the Messiah.
That time is now, and this is why we're sharing the Zohar with all nations.
“For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.”
—LUKE 8:17
The word Zohar means 'Radiance' or ‘Splendor'. This Radiance emanates from the Upper Worlds, connecting Heaven with our physical reality. When enough Zohars are in the world, a critical mass of Light will shine on earth, igniting the coming of the Messiah. This is the secret behind the coded phrase, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Just as the sun indiscriminately bathes all the people on Earth in light, the Zohar offers the Light of blessings, miracles, and healing to all, regardless of faith. This site will also share many of the wondrous stories involving the book of Zohar.
After the invention of the printing press, many religious books were being burned in bonfires throughout Italy. However, in 1558, the Church, and Pope Paul IV, authorized the first-ever printing of the Zohar. This is a testament to the Zohar’s inner power. There are only a few original Zohars left in the world.
We have one of them.
We are dedicated to bringing this power of Light to all peoples through the first ever digital and hardcover reprints of this Divine Text. This will be the first time, since 1558, that this first edition Zohar will be made available to the masses.
“A black cloud hovers over European Jews, the likes of which mankind has never seen before.”
The Zohar Holocaust Miracle
Nazis carry out the Final Solution.
Moroccan Jews studying the Zohar 24/7.
In 1935, Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag warned Eastern European Rabbis about a "black cloud over European Jews, the likes of which mankind has never seen before.” He urged them to embrace the Zohar for protection. They refused. Subsequently, World War II saw 6 million Jews and 75 million non-Jews perish. In contrast, Moroccan Jews, read the Zohar 24/7, in relay teams.
The Moroccan King defied the Nazis' demand for 250,000 Jews. Incredibly, Nazi forces unexplainably retreated, despite Morocco’s inability to defend itself. This inexplicable Zohar miracle safeguarding the Jews, also occurred in Algeria and Tunisia in what is arguably the most baffling miracle of the 20th century.
This is the power of the Zohar.
Miracle During the October 7th Gaza Massacre at the Music Festival at Re’im
This next story concerns the daughter of an Israeli woman from Haifa, whose daughter attended the music festival in Re’im, site of the first October 7 massacre. The Israeli mother texted this story.
"My daughter was at the "Nova" nature party on Saturday. She hid in the bushes for 8(!!!) hours while talking (by whisper and corresponding with us)..."
"She had the pocket Zohar in her bag. The Zohar book she had with her not only saved her but everyone who was around her and maybe even more."
"Among the powerful things she received during the crazy hours that she was in the bushes is the certainty of the power of the Light... and the protection of The Zohar."
Channel 14, Tel Aviv Reports on another
Miracle with the Zohar during the
Oct 7th Be'eri Massacre
This next story features a woman who had a pocket sized version of the Zohar with her as terrorists were slaughtering her neighbors, bombing the area
and then suddenly came into her house.
What's Coming
• Free copies of the Holy Zohar will soon be available for download from this site
• More miracles stories and stunning secrets, never before made public
• Live Podcasts and Zoom seminars
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