Zohar for All Nations

Illuminating the World with Divine Light

Our mission at OneThirtySeven is both straightforward and profound: to dispel darkness from our lives and the world by spreading Divine Light across all nations, peoples, and faiths.

This Divine Light, known as Zohar, was first revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai as a secret oral tradition, during the giving of the Second Tablets.

This Light shone again in Jerusalem during the Second Temple era when the Zohar oral tradition was revealed by Rav Shimon bar Yohai to his holy companions.

Jesus spoke in parable to the masses, but in private, he revealed the Zohar oral tradition to his chosen disciples.

About the Zohar

Critical Mass of Light

The word Zohar means 'Radiance' or ‘Splendor'. This Radiance emanates from the Upper Worlds, connecting Heaven with our physical reality. When enough Zohars are in the world, a critical mass of Light will shine on earth, igniting the coming of the Messiah. This is the secret behind the coded phrase, The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

A Universal Force of Wisdom and Healing

Just as the sun indiscriminately bathes all the people on Earth in light, the Zohar offers the Light of blessings, miracles, and healing to all, regardless of faith. This site will also share many of the wondrous stories involving the book of Zohar.

The First Ever Printed Zohar in History—1558

After the invention of the printing press, many religious books were being burned in bonfires throughout Italy. However, in 1558, the Church authorized the first-ever printing of the Zohar. This is a testament to the Zohar’s inner power. There are only a few original Zohars left in the world. We have one of them. We are dedicated to bringing this power of Light to all peoples through the first ever digital and hardcover reprints of this Divine Text. This will be the first time, since 1558, that this first edition Zohar will be made available to the masses.

The Power of the Zohar

“A black cloud hovers of European Jews, the likes of which mankind has never seen before.”


In 1935, Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag warned Eastern European Rabbis about a "black cloud over European Jews, the likes of which mankind has never seen before.” He urged them to embrace the Zohar for protection. They refused. Subsequently, World War II saw 6 million Jews and 75 million non-Jews perish. In contrast, Moroccan Jews, read the Zohar 24/7, in relay teams. The Moroccan King defied the Nazis' demand for 250,000 Jews. Incredibly, Nazi forces unexplainably retreated, despite Morocco’s inability to defend itself. This inexplicable Zohar miracle safeguarding the Jews, also occurred in Algeria and Tunisia in what is arguably the most baffling miracle of the 20th century.

Miracle During the Gaza Massacre at the Music Festival at Re’im

This next story concerns the daughter of an Israeli woman from Haifa, whose daughter attended the music festival in Re’im, site of the first October 7 massacre. The Israeli mother texted this story:

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